Saint Paul College scored well again at the National SkillsUSA Conference this past June in Atlanta. Nine students qualified and attended the conference, and the results were outstanding:
- Connor Faust scored FIRST PLACE for Sheet Metal
- Mike Berner scored 5th Place for Cabinetmaking
- Danny David scored 6th place for Culinary Arts
- Michael J. Blackwood scored 6th place for Prepared Speech
- The Team of Nik Zeravica, David Diesslin, Steven Wielenberg, Micheal Baldwin, and Anthony Durbin scored 8th place in the Quiz Bowl

The SkillsUSA National Leadership & Skills Conference is the largest gathering of America’s future skilled workforce and the ultimate recognition of career and technical education excellence. Held in Atlanta each June, the competition is a week-long celebration of the skilled trades and the accomplishments of career-ready leaders across the United States. The event brings together more than 16,000 attendees, including students, instructors, industry partners, government officials, administrators and more. The week’s highlight is the SkillsUSA Championships, where over 6,000 state champions compete for national gold, silver, and bronze medals in 115 skilled and leadership competitions.

Saint Paul College students embraced the challenges and displayed the professional attitude and skills necessary for success. SPC Advisors supporting these students included Marcie Smith-Fields, Matt Walker, and Tom Hillstead.
Learn more about SkillsUSA and other SPC Student Groups & Organizations.